Imoco Volley Conegliano


Supercoppa Fineco PROSECCO DOC IMOCO CONEGLIANO – NUMIA MILANO 3-2 (20-25,25-16,21-25,25-23,15-11) Prosecco DOC Imoco: Gabi 13, Seki, Eckl ne, Lubian ne, De Gennaro, Haak 22, Wolosz 3, Adigwe ne, Lanier 3, Lukasik 10, Chirichella 8, Fahr 16, Bardaro, Arici ne.
All. Santarelli Numia Milano: Cazaute 21, Guerra, Orro 2, Danesi 4, Kostantinidou 1, Fukudome, Kurtagic, Sylla 22, Daalderop 19, Gelin ne, Guidi ne, Marinova 1, Heyrman 12.
All.Lavarini Referees: Curto and Verrascina Spectators: 11.000 Set Duration: 25′,28′,27′,17′ Notes: Batting Errors Co 6,Mi 15; Aces: 2-7 ;Walls: 9-9 MVP: Fahr Sold out in Rome for the Fineco Supercup, great celebration of tricolor volleyball in the capital for the classic challenge between the Italian champions of Prosecco DOC Imoco Conegliano and Numia Vero Volley Milano, ennobled by the live broadcast on Rai 2.
In the end once again it was the yellow-blue Panthers who continued their never-ending streak of successes in national competitions, winning at Eur for the seventh consecutive time and eighth in total the Italian Super Cup, thus putting in the trophy cabinet the 25th trophy in the history of the Venetian club.
Surprise in the starting lineups of the match, Milan has to do without its star, former Paola Egonu, laid down by tonsillitis, so coach Lavarini deploys Cazaute as opposite with Orro as setter, Heyrman-Danesi at center, Daalderop and Sylla as setters, Fukudome as libero. After a phase of total balance, the first minibreak is Milan’s with Cazaute signing the 9-11, but point in pride immediately Conegliano places a 3-0 break with Gabi and Haak on the shields.
Balance reigns again, with defenses struggling to contain the play well orchestrated by directors Wolosz and Orro.
Gabi tries again (14-12), but Sylla doesn’t go for it and the former Gialloblù equalizes with a wall, keeping the teams tied.
They fight in an exciting point to point until Danesi’s ace (17-19) that advises coach Santarelli’s time out.
Numia, however, does not stop and stretches to +3 (18-21), another time out.
Prosecco DOC Imoco tries, but Danesi and teammates hold well and close with Cazaute (6 points in the set) and Sylla’s final lob: 20-25 and the first set is Milan’s. Numia also starts strong in the second partial (1-4) and coach Santarelli, who sees his team down in the dumps, immediately stops the game.
After the Folignate coach’s words, Lanier and Haak try to sound the charge, but the opponents’ wall leaves no escape.
Daalderop’s ace also comes in for 3-8 that digs the furrow.
Lanier herself comes out for Lukasik, but the music does not change, Sylla breaks the Gialloblù wall and flies 6-11.
The Gialloblù bench also burns the second time out and to follow there is a gasp from De Gennaro and her teammates who get back in touch (10-12).
This time the time out is Miano’s.
Moki De Gennaro invents defenses at the limits of the possible and continues the comeback of Prosecco DOC Imoco that with patience goes back up and hooks at 13.
The Panthers rediscovered their rhythm and do not stop and continue to push: Bella Haak forces the serve, De Gennaro defends, Lukasik (excellent entry) is on time in the counterattacks and Conegliano takes the lead (16-13) with an unstoppable surge.
The first wall also arrives, signed by Chirichella (17-13) and the Panthers run away determinedly after the initial uncertainties.
Coach Lavarini emptied his bench, but Wolosz and her teammates got into their rhythm and the wall-defense, key to the Gialloblù’s successes, started working again.
The final set was all Prosecco DOC Imoco, which closed 25-16 and tied. Substantial balance at the beginning of the third set.
Conegliano stretches the lead to 8-6 with walls by Lukasik and Chirichella and forces coach Lavarini to the first time out but on the return to the court a magic of captain Wolosz brings the panthers to +3 (9-6).
Cristina Chirichella with a great wall and an attack by Gabi keep Prosecco Doc ahead during a good service turn by Lukasik (confirmed starter at the beginning of the third set).
Milan tried to stay in the slipstream with Sylla and with her usual grit hooked the tie at 13 thanks also to an attack out by the Panthers.
Now it is Numia that has the ball of the game, again Sylla “on fire” pierces the wall, then Heyrman stops Fahr and the Lombards run away determined in a match full of ups and downs on both sides: 14-18.
Haak’s serve is always a nice “boost” for the Panthers, the Swede also hits from the second line for -2 (17-19), but immediately Danesi’s wall brings Numia back to +4 (17-21).
Chirichella tries with a nice wall, but Prosecco DOC Imoco lacks continuity and wastes good chances to come back.
Conegliano cancels the first set point, but Daalderop (5 points in the set, like Sylla) closes 21-25 and Numia goes back ahead. It’s all decided in the fourth quarter, which starts again in a problematic way for Conegliano, which cannot shake off a Vero Volley capable of defending a lot and counterattacking by varying the protagonists.
Coach Santarelli’s team suffers and has to chase (6-9, 9-12).
Despite the difficult moment, Gabi and her teammates make up for it with character and regain their enchantment with Haak, two “monster blocks” by Sarah Fahr (great partial also in attack, 5/5 and 7 points!) and a stinging Lukasik: 14-14.
It’s a fight in a packed PalaEur, today in “Colosseum” format, a worthy setting for the first event of the season.
On 17-18, the double change enters with Seki and Lanier and the American immediately scores.
Haak comes back in and puts down 21-20, but Sylla equalizes in a fiery atmosphere.
On 23-23 (Bardaro also in) the game is played on a razor’s edge, Haak (great ste, 8 points) seals the 24-23, then with courage shoots hard and with the Swedish star’s winning shot for 25-23 we go the tie break!

Fifth and decisive set: Prosecco DOC Imoco gets off to a rocket start with Haak and Fahr (3-1), but Orro and her teammates stay in the slipstream.
Martyna Lukasik confirms her excellent game, and with her De Gennaro’s defenses ignite the 11,000 in Rome, but Cazaute and Heyrman bring the tie break back into balance.
Capitan Wolosz and her teammates want to win and it shows, Gabi rises to the top, the “embroidery” of the Brazilian star player is worth 7-4, time out Milan.
Sylla is not up for it and climbs well at the wall, then a dominant Sarah Fahr (she will be MVP with 16 points, 2 walls and 78% in attack!) continues to rage in the middle and Prosecco DOC Imoco holds +3 (9-6).
They duel ball after ball (11-9), another shove comes with a courageous ball closed by Lukasik, then the closure of a match won on a comeback by the now proverbial character of the yellow-blue team is entrusted to Isabelle Haak (top scorer on par with Sylla with 22 points) who seals the 15-11.
Prosecco DOC is flowing like wildfire in Rome as well!
After the competition, the Olympians flocked to the Rai studios to take part in Ballando con le Stelle, guests of Milly Carlucci’s program that will have two Azzurri dancing, Panther Marina Lubian and Milan director Alessia Orro. INTERVIEWS AND PHOTO ALBUM ON IMOCO VOLLEY’S FACEBOOK PAGE (Photo Rubin-Zani – Women’s Volleyball League)