Imoco Volley Conegliano


Imoco Volley Conegliano confirms its sensitivity on the issue of prevention and
again this year takes the field alongside Ulss 2 for the promotion of screening: first
testimonial of a season that sees the team increasingly competitive at the world level is
super center Sarah Fahr, back at the highest level after two serious injuries.
“To Imoco Volley Conegliano, I renew my heartfelt thanks for a collaboration.
particularly significant in place for years now,” stresses the general director of Ulss 2, Francesco Benazzi. ” Our common intention is to strongly reiterate the message that, in the prevention as in the field, it is important to play ahead. We are extremely honored to
to be able to count, again this season, on the support of a company that is not only a winner, but also a
particularly sensitive on the front of social and health issues.”“Our Panthers are an example and role model for so many girls and women, therefore

The use of the image of female players in the service of such important outreach initiatives is
dutiful for our club. For more than a decade now, we have been honored to stand alongside Ulss 2 in
this awareness campaign and we are proud of this role, trusting that we will
being able to help disseminate as much as possible this really important message for our
community,” the words of Piero Garbellotto, President Imoco Volleyball. In Ulss 2, as in the entire Veneto region, screening for breast cancer is active, with the invitation of women in the 50-74 age group (from 2025 the progressive extension to the 45-49 age group will begin
), cervical cancer screening, with
invitation of women aged 25-64, and colorectal cancer screening with
invitation of those aged 50-74 (progressive extension to the 70-74 age group has been started
this year). For mammography and cervical screening, once the invitation has been received, it is
possible, as of this year, to change the appointment on the Electronic Health Record, or, as an
alternative, by calling the dedicated number listed in the letter. THE DATA
In 2023, a total of 48,264 women underwent mammography
as a primary screening test, and of the 1,425 in-depth examinations performed, 386 cancers were
detected early.
Rectal colon screening was adhered to by 85,511 people: 2,904
in-depth examinations were performed, which allowed for the early detection of 83 cancers and 1131 precancerous

For cervical screening, a total of 39,672 women underwent
Pap test (25-29 years old) or HPV-DNA test (30-64 years old) last year. A total of
5,493 in-depth examinations were performed and 174 precancerous lesions were detected. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 DAY WITH ULSS 2 EMPLOYEES AT PALAVERDE
Also as part of the collaboration between Imoco Volleyball and Ulss 2 on Sunday, October 27, to
the match scheduled at 5 p.m. at Palaverde in Villorba between Imoco and Bergamo, a
convention has been activated for employees of the health unit who, by joining, will be able to attend the match at
discounted price.