Imoco Volley Conegliano


PRESIDENT GARBELLOTTO: “OUR AUDIENCE ALWAYS GIVES US GREAT SATISFACTION, ENTHUSIASTICALLY WELCOMED THE PANTHERS’ NEW ROSTER!” If good mornings are any indication, it will be a sparkling Season Ticket Campaign the one dedicated to the Panthers’ upcoming 2024/25 season.
The first phase in July, two weeks exclusively dedicated to the renewals of last season’s subscribers, registered a great enthusiasm in the two locations of Conegliano (Fen & Kee restaurant) and Treviso (Imoco Center at Palaverde), “assaulted” by a peaceful army of Gialloblù supporters, who particularly enjoyed Thursday evenings with the “Aperiabbonati” in collaboration with naming sponsor Prosecco DOC. “We recorded a very good turnout in this first phase the company’s comment from the voice of President Piero Garbellotto -, compared to last year in the same period we recorded 20% more season ticket confirmations, we are very happy with the response and enthusiasm of our public that never ceases to give us satisfaction.
Our fans have welcomed with great favor and participation the important efforts made again this year by the club to set up a roster of the highest level that will entertain us in the many competitions that await us.
The first signs of the enthusiasm of the Gialloblù people have been really encouraging, in September we will reopen the campaign also to newcomers who would like to subscribe and thus have the entire season of the Panthers assured in their carnet, and we are confident of a response in line with this first phase confirming the ever-growing enthusiasm for the exploits of Prosecco DOC Imoco, a pride for sportsmen and fans of our territory.”
The “Always + Crazy About You” Season Ticket Campaign will reopen from Sept. 2 to Sept. 27 at Palaverde (Monday-Friday), with the possibility of signing up new season tickets.
For the few who did not renew in July, there will still be a chance to keep the discounted price for former subscribers, but without the seat preemption from last season.
Information, prices and arrangements at