Imoco Volley Conegliano

CUOREDARENA AND LILT SATURDAY AT PALAVERDE – The first Social Day of the season is in support of LILT – Playing in the Lane

Saturday, December 7 will be the first Social Day of the season sponsored by VTV Volleyball – Cuoredarena Committee. It will start with “A soft toy for a smile” in favor of the LILT Association – Playing in the Lane. Before the match, which the panthers of Prosecco DOC Imoco Volley Conegliano will play at 7 p.m. challenging Il Bisonte Firenze, there will be space for an important moment of solidarity. For many years, the friends of “Playing in the Lane” of LILT, Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori, have been guests at Palaverde during a championship match. This year they will be in the company of “Lino Ghiaccio,” the cute stuffed penguin mascot of the charity initiative. Buying Lino Ghiaccio helps support the activities of Play in the Lane volunteers. In 1994 a group of volunteers within LILT, after a brief but intense experience with a small patient, decided to start the animation project Giocare in Corsia. The primary goal was and is to use play to make the hospital environment less foreign and difficult in the eyes of children. The journey began in the pediatrics ward of Ca’ Foncello Hospital in Treviso. Since then, the group has grown and been enriched with new volunteers, deepened pain issues and trained people able to offer children ways to better cope with the hospital stay; since 2007, the activity has been extended to the pediatrics ward of the hospital in Conegliano; in 2009, the project “Isola Serena” was started and since 2011 a collaboration with the Cancer Hospitals of Kiev in Ukraine and Novosibirsk in Siberia.

Godmothers of the event the panthers TING ZHU, MERIT ADIGWE, SARAH FAHR and ANNA BARDARO. Before the whistle blows for the start of the match, the traditional on-court photo will be taken with LILT volunteers and a representation of Cuoredarena fans.LEA, Cuoredarena’s white panther mascot who will be wearing a Playing in the Lane T-shirt, will also be at Palaverde. Cuoredarena will then donate Lea to Lilt Playing in the Lane for its activities with children. The invitation is to support this Social day by going to the stalls set up by the LILT – Giocare in Corsia association to give yourself or a gift of Lino Ghiaccio, or for a small donation that is a great help to the association. Therefore, not only sports for VTV Volleyball – Cuoredarena Committee but also social commitment and support to local associations. Thanks to the Imoco Volleyball club that shares and supports the initiative.